WITH columns AS (
ns.nspname AS table_schema, -- 模式
cls.relname AS table_name, -- 表名
cls.reltuples AS tuples, -- 记录数
des.description AS description, -- 表描述
attr.attname AS column_name, -- 列名
col_description(attr.attrelid, attr.attnum) AS column_comment, -- 列描述
trim(leading '_' from tp.typname) AS column_type -- 列类型
FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute attr
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class AS cls ON cls.oid = attr.attrelid
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace AS ns ON ns.oid = cls.relnamespace
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_type AS tp ON tp.oid = attr.atttypid
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_description AS des ON cls.oid = des.objoid AND des.objsubid = 0
NOT attr.attisdropped
AND attr.attnum > 0
AND cls.relname NOT LIKE 'pg_%'
AND ns.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema')
-- AND ns.nspname = 'other'
-- AND cls.relname like 'flash_flood_hazard_point'
f_table_name as id,
f_table_schema as workspace,
f_table_name as data_name,
columns.description as description,
columns.tuples as tuples,
f_geometry_column as geometry_column,
type as geometry_type,
) AS fields
FROM postgis.geometry_columns as gc
JOIN columns ON
gc.f_table_schema = columns.table_schema AND
gc.f_table_name = columns.table_name AND
gc.f_geometry_column != columns.column_name
GROUP BY f_table_schema, f_table_name, description, tuples, f_geometry_column, srid, type